DELITE !!! DELITE !!! DELITE !!! POTREBNA NAM JE POMOC !!! Mi novca vise nemamo Verovali ili ne, na slici je samo deo pasa o kojima brinemo i to oni za koje PLACAMO mesecno smestaj po pansionima i svakog meseca MORAMO da skupimo 1000 - 1500 e samo za to frown emoticon O ostalim troskovima ne smemo ni da mislimo. Imamo zivotinje koje ne stizemo ni da objavimo, zivotinje koje cekaju preglede koje ne mozemo ni fizicki ni finansijski da im obezbedimo. Ne mozemo sami da izguramo, potrebna nam je pomoc. Nas opstanak zavisi samo od vas i vase pomoci frown emoticon Ovde su svi o kojima trenutno brinemo, pogledajte za koga donirate. Tu su oni koji traze domove, bolesni, invalidi : Nasi racuni su: 160 -395436-78 banka Intesa Primalac: Udruzenje Beta Beograd Svrha uplate: Pomoc zivotinjama Za uplate iz inostranstva, devizni racun : SWIFT DBDBRSBG IBAN RS35160005400000584619 PayPal: Za uplate Westernom i Post netom javite nam se u inbox... Hvala unapred heart emoticon
ENGLISH Dear Friends Above is a picture of just a few animals that are currently in our care. New sick, injured, hungry and neglected keep arriving on daily bases. We try to home them in private shelters that we pay with the donations we receive. Each month our bill is 1000-1500 euros just to home these poor souls in shelters. Other expenses like for animals that need surgeries and medical attention on daily bases is beyond what few of us can manage. We need your help. We are extremely desperate for any financial assistance so we can continue to care for these loving creatures. Help us to help them. Please donate. Below is a link with all the animals that are in our care at the moment. Sick, handicapped, blind, or just looking for a home they are all in need for your help. TO HELP go to DONATE